Home The Property Congress
Australia’s Leading Property Event
Where over 800 Australian property professionals unite to learn from local and global experts on the issues facing the industry and communities we serve.
The Property Congress has been the industry’s premier annual national event since 1978, bringing together hundreds of established and emerging property leaders for three days filled with discussion, networking and learning.
It’s where delegates absorb critical details for their work, take home information that shapes their future decisions and build industry connections.
Each year the Property Congress moves to a different Australian location, and attracts a line-up of high profile, inspiring and insightful speakers, leaving delegates uplifted, more connected and better equipped to lead.
2023 gallery
Our Speakers
Property leaders and business experts shaping the future of Australia.
The Property Council of Australia is a star at getting the property industry together and aligning towards shared goals. The annual Property Congress is a great way to celebrate the achievements, connect and be inspired by ideas and insights into what’s ahead.
Karen ArmstrongEthos Urban
Heading into my 7th Property Congress now, I've made deep connections over the years that will not only support my career, but also bridge into long life friendships.
Nicholas BandounasScottCarver Architects
I thoroughly enjoyed Property Congress 2023, the speakers and venue were top notch! What a great opportunity to spend time with like-minded colleagues and be motivated and inspired by world class speakers. I am privileged to have been able to attend, and hope I have the opportunity to do so again next year. 5 stars.
Karen SoetersQIC
It was great to return to Adelaide in 2023 with a wonderful setting and weather to connect with clients and industry collaborators across Australia and get out of the day-to-day weeds, to take a bigger picture perspective on the critical issues and future of our industry.
Kris SymonsArup
A terrific event for making new connections and reconnecting with good friend in the industry.
Glen ElsworthHGW Projects
The Property Council’s Property Congress was my first time attending and I will be returning. It was an event that provided some great insights into the future challenges our industry faces and how we can look at solutions. It was also a great event to meet with peers from other states and discuss how they find things happening in their states.
Nick HalakatevakisInnovatus projects
The Property Congress in Adelaide was my first Congress. The sessions were informative and range of diverse speakers. Highlights from the Congress were discussion A View from the Top with leaders providing their thoughts on the property sector and Australia's Economic Outlook with a comparison of demographics and what the future holds.
Lisa SpiersCurtin University Registration details
A variety of registration options are available, with special offers for Property Council members and groups.
Investigate the ticket combinations and discounts available.
Investigate the ticket combinations and discounts available.
800 delegates
51 per cent female attendance in 2023
40+ leading industry speakers
85 per cent of delegates plan to attend the next Property Congress
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Event details
Wednesday 23 – Friday 25 October 2024
The Townsville Entertainment & Convention Centre
Entertainment Drive Townsville,
Queensland 4810 Australia