Frank Charnock FRICS emigrated to Sydney in 1961 to join Jones Lang Wootton in its founding years. Initially focused on overseas clients, he played an increasing role in the leadership and growth of JLW into the largest agency and consultancy firm in Australia. Active in BOMA (now the Property Council) from its inception he served as NSW President and later National President. His particular interest lay in the development of the institutional investment market, education for the industry, and was closely involved with Ray Powys AM in the establishment of the first degree courses in Land Economics. Retiring as CEO of Australia in 1989, Frank moved to London to lead the further global development of JLW which culminated in the merger to create Jones Lang LaSalle and lead its involvement in the management of the first international institutional property fund. Amongst other roles, he also spent 9 years on the Board of the Hammerson Group.