Retirement Living
Key economic statstic on global, national and state level.
National average resident tenure, current average resident age, and average age of entry for residents in retirement villages.
Source: PwC/Property Council Retirement Census
All data is based only on respondents of this census survey
Tenure – average period of tenure for a retirement village resident
Current age – average current age of a retirement village resident
Entry age – average age of resident when entering a retirement villageÂ
Average price for 2 bedroom independent living unit in villages across Australia (most common unit configuration nationally).
Source: PwC/Property Council Retirement Census
Average price for 2 bedroom ILU in villages (most common unit configuration nationally)
For further details or more information on the PwC/Property Council Retirement Census, click here
Property industry expectations on the capital value of property by asset type, looking forward 12 months from each period.
Source: ANZ/Property Council Survey
Sentiment where 0 is neutral