Wednesday 20 September 2023
Housing Statement recognises supply is key to affordability in
The Property Council of Australia has welcomed today’s release of the Victorian Government’s Housing Statement, which has created a thorough roadmap for the delivery of up to 2.24 million
additional homes across Victoria by 2051.
Property Council Victorian Executive Director Cath Evans said the Housing Statement was a positive step for Victoria that provides a clear policy pathway for the delivery of much needed
housing for Victorians.
“This ambitious and comprehensive plan will enable our industry to activate all types of housing, providing choice to Victorians while also enabling delivery of the volume of new dwellings that the market needs in order to address the affordability crisis,” said Ms Evans.
“We have been consistent in our calls for the Victorian Government to address delays and inefficiencies in the planning system as a first step towards addressing blockages in the delivery of new housing supply to the market.
“As announced today, the expansion of the Development Facilitation Program will supercharge the delivery of housing in Victoria, getting more houses into the market and more Victorians into homes more quickly.
“Tying affordable housing requirements to eligibility for the program will enable the private sector to mobilise and deliver affordable housing outcomes for a broad cross-section of the community.
As part of the announcement today, the Victorian Government has committed to the establishment of a Department of Transport and Planning unit to prioritise the clearing of planning backlogs with local government and other approval authorities.
“The Property Council has identified around 35,000 dwellings currently stuck in the planning pipeline – 35.000 homes that could be housing Victorians and placing downward pressure on affordability,” said Ms Evans.
“Efforts to clear this backlog and get shovels in the ground are essential to getting new supply into the market as quickly as possible.
“In conjunction with the focus on clearing backlogs, we strongly endorse the announcement of the full implementation of the Red Tape Commissioner’s recommendations from 2021 on planning system improvement. These reforms are essential to modernising local planning and equipping the planning system for the challenges ahead.
“There are many positive and significant changes contained in today’s announcement – as part of the Affordability Partnership, we look forward to providing informed advice to the Government that supports effective implementation.”
Property Council Victorian Division President Anne Jolic said the industry is looking forward to working closely with government to ensure that the housing targets are delivered in accordance with the plan.
“We’re committed to delivering the housing outcomes highlighted in this plan and the industry is highly motivated to ensure it is a success,” said Ms Jolic.
Media contact: Dominic Raff | 0478 819 525 | [email protected]