
New awards program to shine spotlight on Victorian talent

Victoria’s city skyline has developed and altered over the last two years, a visual testament to the property industry’s resilience in the face of uncertainty, and a new Victorian industry award is set to celebrate the people behind the buildings. 

Eyes on the prize

The RLB Australian Development of the Year Award turns 30 this year. We asked Rider Levett Bucknall’s team to reflect on their favourite projects and what awards mean beyond the applause.

Six spectacular state projects

The world’s most sustainable shopping centre, a visionary co-working precinct and an ‘office of the future’ are among the winners of the 2021 Rider Levett Bucknall State and Territory Development of the Year awards.

Check out our awards finalists

The world’s first modular A-Grade office building fully transportable by sea and affordable net zero energy homes are among the 2021 Property Council of Australia /Rider Levett Bucknall Innovation and Excellence Awards finalists. 

Exceptional industry leaders take out this year’s top prizes

There isn’t a set playbook when it comes to managing a retirement community, each one is unique, and this presents a challenge for any village manager. The 2020 Regional Programmed Award for Village Manager of the Year winners all understand this, and it is what has helped them to excel in their field.