Tag: Academy

7 Jul — 29 Aug 2025


Learn from Industry Experts.

Does your role require you to understand the complex factors which will affect the decision to undertake a development?
This course will help you understand:
  • The prevalence of risk in property development
  • Risk identification and mitigation
  • The time value of money, and the valuation principles influencing property development decisions
  • Critical success factors.
Over one day you will cover:
  • What is property development?
  • Risk: Land and title
  • Risk: Planning, politics and communities
  • Risk: Design
  • Risk: Valuation and finance
  • Risk: Construction and delivery
  • Market risk.
This course is ideal for industry participants who are:
  • New to property development
  • Working for, or intending to become, a private developer
  • Assistant development or project managers
  • Managers at local councils who want to understand development from the private sector point-of-view
  • In a specialist role, such as administration or finance, who need to understand the nature of the business and what questions they should be asking of their development managers
  • Consultants, such as architects, planners and economists, who seek to offer a more comprehensive service offering to their clients
  • Authority employees who deal with developers
  • Administration staff who work in development companies.
You can follow on with:
  • Property Development Advanced.

Registrations close 30 June 2025

Understanding how financing of projects work from a developer’s perspective.

This course is ideal for anyone looking to understand how project finance is procured for development projects and how projects can be packaged in a way that makes equity and debt work.  Using a case study project, we will highlight the key metrics financiers will look at, what risks are considered in the financing of projects and some tips to package the project to secure the most favourable financial outcome.  You will need a basic level of understanding and experience in using Microsoft Excel.

It can be undertaken as a stand-alone program or as a follow on from the 1-day feasibility workshop course. This half day workshop will help you grasp the concepts and develop a deeper understanding of how development feasibility ties in with project financing.

What will I learn?
  • Why and how project finance is an intricate component of the development life cycle
  • Basics of the Capital Stack – Equity, Debt and other sources of capital
  • Types of Development Finance and their respective risk appetite
  • Common pitfalls and myths in the procurement of project financing
  • The project financing process – how it ties in with design, marketing and sales and the typical process
  • Financing legal documentation and understanding funding tables and key commercial terms to look out for
  • Bank vs Non-Bank Finance – Pros and Cons
  • Practical Tips in securing the right finance for your project
What’s included in the program?
  • Actual Case study to Bring out financing insights and pitfalls
  • Advanced feasibility concepts and project risk assessment.
This course is ideal for:
  • Acquisition managers, Development managers, project managers, valuers and other property consultants looking to understand how financing works
  • Project and financing organisations looking to understand how development feasibility works

It is recommended you complete the Feasibility Workshop before this course but it is not a pre-requisite.

Registrations close 30 April 2025

Maximise your investment performance.

Do you want to learn how to make smart retail investment decisions? This course is ideal for people working in retail who want an in-depth understanding of the factors to consider when developing or redeveloping retail property. In this course you will participate in a redevelopment case study and get a thorough understanding of asset performance and how to enhance it. 

Pre-requisite: Retail Property Advanced.

Over three days you will learn about:

  • Insights into the drivers of retail asset performance as part of a company’s overall investment strategy
  • How to develop and implement asset strategies to maximise investment performance
  • The essentials for preparing a recommendation to develop or redevelop a retail property
  • The challenges facing managers and marketers during the development process
  • The benefits of gaining a comprehensive knowledge of retail mix principles and strong financial management skills.

What’s included in the program:

  • Portfolio management: strategic decisions
  • Destination retailing: critical success factors
  • The development process: redevelopment focus
  • Determining the evidence for development
  • Designing a larger retail centre
  • Preparing for a development: a project manager’s point of view
  • Tenancy remix as part of a redevelopment strategy
  • Current trends in the retail sector
  • Feasibility modelling
  • Marketing through each stage and preparing for the launch
  • Placemaking
  • Future proofing centres with food.

This course is ideal for people who work in:

  • Centre management
  • Property management
  • Leasing
  • Marketing
  • Administration
  • Operations
  • Retailers.

You can follow on with:

  • Feasibility Workshop
  • Risk Management

Registrations close 11 February 2025.

The Tenant’s Perspective – Commercial Leasing equips office, industrial and retail tenants to negotiate and restructure leasing arrangements to be more aligned with the tenant’s business requirements and risks into the future. The course consists of 4 x 1 hour modules that provide attendees with the insight needed to achieve favourable outcomes in a negotiation where tenants start in the outside lane.
Why attend?
The course will help you identify and avoid common lease negotiation outcomes that harm a tenant’s business.  Attendees will be better placed to negotiate tenant-friendly lease terms that help to future-proof your organisation.
What do attendees get?

  • 4 hour lease negotiation training from expert tenant advisors
  • Access to the course materials
  • Access to the LPC lease health check tool

What’s included in the program?

  • Why most commercial leases offer more protection for a landlord than the tenant
  • Commercial lease terms that harm the tenant organisation
  • Common lease negotiation mistakes that commercial tenants need to avoid
  • Getting to a tenant friendly lease arrangement

The course consists of four modules, each one hour long, covering commercial leasing topics from the tenant perspective:

  • Module 1 – Your lease can either help or harm your organization
  • Module 2 – Is your lease tenant-friendly
  • Module 3 – Negotiating a tenant-friendly lease
  • Module 4 – Common lease negotiation mistakes and how to avoid them

After the half day course you will have

  • Insight into how leases can help or harm a commercial tenant
  • Enhanced lease negotiation competence and confidence
  • Enhanced ability to mitigate existing lease risks

Who should attend?
This module is useful for anyone who has an influence on your lease arrangements including business owners, executives, property managers, facility managers, and leasing managers. The content is relevant for office, retail, and industrial tenants.
As Harvey Mackay said, “You don’t get what you want. You get what you negotiate,” – this course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to negotiate your commercial lease more effectively. 

The Property Council Academy’s newest one-day course Valuation for Non-Valuers is designed to help understand how valuers work and the methods used to reach a final property value. 
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Understand the principles of market valuation, the types of property valuations and how to instruct a valuer
  • Identify the different valuation methods used for different asset types using case study examples
  • Know what a valuation report should look like and discuss the various challenges faced in reading and understanding valuation reports
  • Understand the potential risk areas in managing the valuation process and the impact interest rate changes, significant market shocks and black swan events can have on future valuations.
This course has been developed and will be delivered by Urbis.
Take your career to the next level! This course is ideal for anyone working in a technical operations or facilities role who want to learn the skills to take their career to the next level.
Do you want to improve your property operations skills and enhance your strategic focus? This course has been developed to overview the technical role of an operations, facilities or property manager who is responsible for the management of a team and outsourced consultants.
Pre-requisite: Operations & Facilities Management Part 1.
Over three days you will learn:
  • Advanced strategic planning and comprehension of asset property operations
  • Effective risk management: operational, reputational, key stakeholders and authorities
  • Latest compliance considerations: WHS, DDA, NABERS and BCA industry trends
  • Budgets: opex and capex budgets in asset classes proposing business cases
  • Contractor performance management
  • Sustainability and building performance.

What’s included in the program:

  • Project management
  • Sustainability
  • Essentials of contract law
  • Tenancy churn and fit out
  • The case for investment
  • Managing contractors
  • Setting OPEX budgets and CAPEX management
  • Benchmarking workshop
  • Facilities management software
  • Facilities management future trends
  • Site visit
  • Security in today’s property environment
  • Business writing skills.

This course is ideal for:

  • Those completing Operations & Facilities Management Part 1 and continuing their professional education within the property industry
  • Operations, facilities, engineering and property managers
  • Procurement and contract managers
  • Building, property and maintenance supervisors
  • Contractors.

You can follow on with:

Registrations close 15 May 2025
This course is hosted by our Venue Partner Hawaiian. For over 30 years, Hawaiian has been dedicated to making a positive impact and will continue to be a force for good. As aspiring creators and curators of remarkable spaces, we prioritise our communities, partners, and team in everything we do. Hawaiian own and operate 11 Perth metropolitan shopping centres, including Claremont Quarter, manage office buildings Parmelia House and 235 SGT in the Perth CBD, and own Perth’s Parmelia Hilton Hotel and Cable Beach Club Resort & Spa.

Realise the value of your land or asset.

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to explore the key issues in developing a feasibility model. You will need a basic level of understanding and experience in using Microsoft Excel.

It can be undertaken as a stand-alone program or as an advanced elective towards the Property Development Industry Diploma. This workshop will help you grasp the concepts and develop a deeper understanding of how and why to use various feasibility calculations.

What will I learn?

  • How to realise the value of your land or asset
  • Consider the viability of a proposed development or redevelopment
  • Use feasibility to determine whether the development will work, and should you proceed with it?
  • By the end of this course you will understand the feasibility process, have the skills to run a feasibility model and understand the importance of validating inputs and assumptions.

What’s included in the program?

  • Introduction to feasibilities
  • Methodology
  • Case study workshops
  • Advanced feasibility concepts.

This course is ideal for:

  • Development managers, project managers, valuers, architects, planners, other property consultants, property and asset managers, bankers, local and state government officers.
  • This course is relevant for all senior property/building practitioners who would like a more thorough understanding of a complex topic.

You can follow on with: 

  • Risk Management
  • Project Management
  • Legal Framework & Dispute Resolution.

Participants are required to bring a laptop with access to Microsoft Excel. 

Registrations close 11 November 2024.

Boost your building’s performance.

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to enhance their technical skills and general understanding of the day-to-day role of an operations or facilities supervisor. Does your role require you to understand all the factors involved in running a building? This course introduces the key issues in facilities management and provides a clear understanding of what the job entails.

Assumed knowledge: Building Services, Property Industry Induction.

Over two days you will learn about:

  • The key roles, responsibilities and stakeholders of facilities management
  • Proactive risk minimisation and management
  • Real world compliance, certification and audit process
  • Property operations efficiency and contractor management
  • Budget and reporting sustainability.

What’s included in the program:

  • Property – the asset class
  • Sustainability – fundamentals and rating tools
  • Overview of building services
  • Building inspections
  • Site visit
  • Tenders and procurement practice
  • Reporting and audit: planned preventative maintenance
  • Property risk management
  • Compliance and certification
  • Audit and review case study
  • Fire and essential services.

This course is ideal for:

  • Operations orientated building, facilities & property supervisors
  • Engineering and maintenance officers
  • Institutional, corporate and private organisation facility management teams
  • Procurement and contract managers
  • People with a trade or technical customer service background seeking a career within facilities management.

You can follow on with:

  • Operations and Facilities Management Part 2
  • Property Asset Management Core.

Registrations close 8 May 2025.

Boost your building’s performance.

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to enhance their technical skills and general understanding of the day-to-day role of an operations or facilities supervisor. Does your role require you to understand all the factors involved in running a building? This course introduces the key issues in facilities management and provides a clear understanding of what the job entails.

Assumed knowledge: Building Services, Property Industry Induction.

Over two days you will learn about:

  • The key roles, responsibilities and stakeholders of facilities management
  • Proactive risk minimisation and management
  • Real world compliance, certification and audit process
  • Property operations efficiency and contractor management
  • Budget and reporting sustainability.

What’s included in the program:

  • Property – the asset class
  • Sustainability – fundamentals and rating tools
  • Overview of building services
  • Building inspections
  • Site visit
  • Tenders and procurement practice
  • Reporting and audit: planned preventative maintenance
  • Property risk management
  • Compliance and certification
  • Audit and review case study
  • Fire and essential services.

This course is ideal for:

  • Operations orientated building, facilities & property supervisors
  • Engineering and maintenance officers
  • Institutional, corporate and private organisation facility management teams
  • Procurement and contract managers
  • People with a trade or technical customer service background seeking a career within facilities management.

You can follow on with:

  • Operations and Facilities Management Part 2
  • Property Asset Management Core.

Registrations close 27 March 2025.

Realise the value of your land or asset.

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to explore the key issues in developing a feasibility model. You will need a basic level of understanding and experience in using Microsoft Excel.

It can be undertaken as a stand-alone program or as an advanced elective towards the Property Development Industry Diploma. This workshop will help you grasp the concepts and develop a deeper understanding of how and why to use various feasibility calculations.

What will I learn?

  • How to realise the value of your land or asset
  • Consider the viability of a proposed development or redevelopment
  • Use feasibility to determine whether the development will work, and should you proceed with it?
  • By the end of this course you will understand the feasibility process, have the skills to run a feasibility model and understand the importance of validating inputs and assumptions.

What’s included in the program?

  • Introduction to feasibilities
  • Methodology
  • Case study workshops
  • Advanced feasibility concepts.

This course is ideal for:

  • Development managers, project managers, valuers, architects, planners, other property consultants, property and asset managers, bankers, local and state government officers.
  • This course is relevant for all senior property/building practitioners who would like a more thorough understanding of a complex topic.

You can follow on with: 

  • Risk Management
  • Project Management
  • Legal Framework & Dispute Resolution.

Participants are required to bring a laptop with access to Microsoft Excel. 

Registrations close 9 September 2025