Victoria s second container port

Home Campaigns and Submissions Victoria s second container port

Victoria's second container port 

The Property Council has provided key industry advice to Infrastructure Victoria on the preferred sequencing, timing and location of investment in Victoria's future commercial port capacity.

IV has been charged with determining the location of Melbourne's second port. Members of the Infrastructure, Industrial and Logistics committee have prepared a detailed submission, outlining the issues critical to maintaining Melbourne's competitive edge in the industrial, freight and logistics sectors, and how these relate to the location of a second port.

These include:

  • Ways to maximise the efficiency and demand capacity at the Port of Melbourne, during and beyond the year lease;

  • Infrastructure needs to connect a new port to Melbourne's freight network, and the impact of travel times on transport costs

  • The availability of land which will influence the economic, social and environmental impacts that the large scale development will have on existing industries and communities;

  • Forecasts and assumptions of future container vessel sizes, as determined using growth projections of Victoria's import and export markets, in addition to international trends;

  • The implications on businesses currently located in Melbourne's western industrial precinct;

  • The potential impacts of a new port on Victoria's natural environment, tourism sectors and the likely political ramifications

The Property Council believes it is essential to plan for a second port, as the Port of Melbourne is projected to reach capacity before the end of the terms of the lease. In the interim, a commitment by State Government and port stakeholders to maximise the efficiency of the Port of Melbourne to increase its capacity is crucial.

Based on industry expertise to date, the Property Council's preferred location for a second port is the Bay West area. We welcome IV's independent and thorough research into this important issue.

Infrastructure Victoria will release a report presenting its evidence base for another phase of engagement in early 2017.  We urge all members in the industrial, ports and logistics sectors to participate in the process.  If you would like further information please contact Linda Allison on 96 8300.

The Property Council's submission can be downloaded from the link below.