Transport 3.5 Million

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Transport @ 3.5 Million

The Property Council of Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the draft Transport @ 3.5 Million report

The Property Council of Australia is the peak industry body for the property development and investment sectors in WA. Our members include major residential, commercial, retail and retirement living property developers who have a particular interest in the planning and delivery of public transport infrastructure that supports development.

We support the plan's objective to provide transport infrastructure to ensure Perth remains one of the most liveable cities in the world. However, there are major concerns regarding key components of the plan and having consulted widely with our members the following recommendations are set out in this submission:

Recommendation 1: Government needs to ensure that the implementation of the Transport@ 3.5 million plan meets the targets of the connected city model set out in the Perth and Peel @ 3.5 Million planning frameworks.

Recommendation 2: The Transport@ 3.5 Million Plan needs to provide greater certainty around the timing of projects so that industry can support the plan through investment decisions.

Recommendation 3: The Transport@ 3.5 Million Plan needs to be accompanied by a list of priority projects that have been identified as a result of a transparent assessment framework. 

Recommendation 4: Government needs to consider innovative transport infrastructure funding mechanisms and transport pricing reforms that involves state and Commonwealth governments and private industry and that incentivises investment. This needs to go beyond just Value Capture to explore other models such as tax incremental finance, asset sales and Public Private Partnerships (PPPs).

Recommendation 5: Establish an independent Infrastructure WA to plan, prioritise and deliver infrastructure.

These recommendations broadly deal with the planning, prioritization, funding and implementation of the plan and the case for each is set out in Attachment 1.

The Property Council is appreciative of the opportunity to present our submission for the draft Transport@ 3.5 million plan and looks forward to a continuing dialogue regarding the key priorities outlined in this submission.