Submission on Assurance over Climate and Other Sustainability Information Consultation Paper

Home Campaigns and Submissions Submission on Assurance over Climate and Other Sustainability Information Consultation Paper

The Property Council of Australia (the Property Council) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board’s (AUASB) consultation paper on Assurance over Climate and Other Sustainability Information (the paper). 

The Property Council is the peak body for owners and investors in Australia’s $670 billion property industry. We represent asset owners, fund managers, superannuation trusts, developers, and investors across all four quadrants of property investments: debt, equity, public and private. 

Our members include audit and assurance professionals, users and preparers of climate-related financial disclosures within the property industry. 

The Property Council welcomes the implementation of assurance for climate-related and other sustainability disclosures. Assurance is a critical mechanism to build transparency and trust and support investor confidence. We welcome its application in helping to support investment decisions and mitigate risk.

Submission on Assurance over Climate and Other Sustainability Information Consultation Paper