Submission – North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy

Home Campaigns and Submissions Submission – North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy

The Property Council supports Lake Macquarie Council’s (Council) strategic approach to growth through the North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy (Place Strategy). The Place Strategy outlines the Council’s vision for this strategic area’s growth and development over the next two decades. Due to its location, the area is considered to have regional significance and has the vision of being ‘the hub for state-significant economic growth in regional NSW’. This is consistent with the objectives of the Hunter Regional Plan 2041.

The Place Strategy is seeking growth of 13,010 extra residents, 5466 extra homes and 3045 extra jobs. This is expected to generate additional economic output of $6.3 billion. The Place Strategy identifies the vision and goals for growth and development in eight precincts that form the Catalyst Area. We support the vision to create housing, commercial and industrial development opportunities in a centrally located area to support the region’s growth. The strategy recognises important opportunities to convert former industrial lands and redevelop ageing housing stock to unlock land for development and improve diversity of housing.

North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy