Revitalising the Darwin CBD – A new plan for housing health

Home Campaigns and Submissions Revitalising the Darwin CBD – A new plan for housing health

Revitalising the Darwin CBD – A new plan for housing HealthWe commend the government’s decision to consolidate the Health Staff into the Darwin CBD. This decision will result in an increase in employment in the Darwin CBD which is desperately needed. By locating all the Health staff in the Darwin CBD, this will create additional commercial and retail demand that will be needed to service those additional workers being relocated from outside the city centre.Over the last several years, we have seen how previous Northern Territory Government (NTG) policy has resulted in a significant decrease in employment in our Capital City. It is crucial that the NTG reverses this trend and the relocation of Health staff in the Darwin CBD is a good start.However, if we truly want to revitalise the Darwin CBD, we need to see further government policies that will increase employment in our Capital City.
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