Response to the Victorian Government Land Transactions Policy and Guidelines

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Response to the Victorian Government Land Transactions Policy and Guidelines


Victoria's higher education sector is a significant contributor to the State economy, supporting the jobs of nearly 80,000 Victorians each year and generating over $11.8 billion in export revenue in 2018. The sector underpins Victoria's future economic prosperity through educating and training nearly 345,000 domestic students each year.


In 2018, Victoria had a national market share of Australia's onshore international students of 32.1 per cent.


In the decade 2008-2018, international education was Victoria's largest service export industry generating more than $70 billion in that time. Growing global demand will see over seven million tertiary students studying outside their country of citizenship as of 2020.


Victorian universities also play an important role in employment and innovation clusters in Victoria. As of 2018, seven of Victoria's ten universities appear in rankings of the world's best. Victorian universities have broad research expertise with 109 fields of research assessed as 'well above world standard' in the Excellence in Research Australia ratings for 2018 – 2021.