Response to the Metropolitan Melbourne Greenfield Growth Areas

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Response to the Metropolitan Melbourne Greenfield Growth Areas


The development of Greenfields Growth Areas is essential in the delivery of residential supply needed to support the unprecedented population growth being experienced in Victoria.  


Victoria is Australia's fastest-growing state. Almost 1,000 people from interstate and overseas move to Victoria every year, and growth is trending at 2 per cent over the past decade. On current projections, Melbourne will require at least 1.6 million new homes over the next 35 years. We have called on the Government to enable this through the delivery of ,000 lots of development-ready greenfield land per year. According to Plan Melbourne, designated growth area suburbs are expected to accommodate 30-35 per cent of new housing. However, between FY17/18 and FY18/19 total approvals in Melbourne's growth areas fell by 11.9 per cent.


In February 2017, the State Government committed to releasing 100,000 new lots for residential development in Melbourne's growth areas within two years to ease housing affordability pressures. A little more than two months from that self-imposed deadline, the Government had fallen well short of that target, only releasing an estimated 55,000 lots.


The under delivery of new lots, combined with delays in planning and uncertainty of ICP processes is placing undue pressure of affordability in Victoria. In order to address growing demands on housing affordability, it is essential that the government acts to increase housing supply and provide certain and clear planning pathways to enable efficient delivery of new housing stock across the state.