Regulatory and Tax Frameworks CCIV submission

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 Regulatory and Tax Frameworks CCIV submission

The Property Council welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on the exposure draft
legislation (the ED) implementing the tax and regulatory components of the Corporate
Collective Investment Vehicle (CCIV) regime and related explanatory materials (the EM).
We welcome the Government’s commitment to enhancing flexibility and choice for Australian
fund managers through the introduction of a CCIV regime and aligning it with the robust and
successful managed investment trust (MIT) tax framework.

Our submission highlights the critical issues that must be resolved to ensure both the CCIV
and AMIT regimes operates as intended and are viable and attractive for fund managers and
investors. Given the complexity of creating a new regime and the four-week duration for this
consultation, there may be further issues that have yet to be identified particularly in relation
to how the CCIV interacts with other legal or regulatory frameworks at the federal, state and
local government levels.