Qld Building Plan Submission

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Queensland Building Plan Submission

The Property Council has provided input into the development of the State Government's Queensland Building Plan.

In responding to the variety of policy proposals floated by the Government in the Queensland Building Plan discussion paper, the Property Council raised concerns that a number of the suggested policy responses will have detrimental effects on the property industry and ultimately the Queensland economy.  

The Property Council has argued that the proposal to introduce Project Bank Accounts on private construction projects, the discussion paper's key proposal, adds another level of complexity and cost to the property industry. Proposals to mandate liveable housing design on all new residential dwellings have also been opposed by the Property Council.

Efforts by the Government to refine the current complex Queensland Development Code provisions and introduce a new Model Reconfiguring a Lot Code have been commended by the Property Council.

There is no scheduled date for the release of the final Queensland Building Plan.

The Property Council's submission can be accessed below.