Proposed Greenfield Housing CodeThe Property Council welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed
Greenfield Housing Code. We support the Government’s aim to increase the supply of housing
to improve affordability in NSW, in particular Sydney.The Property Council encourages the Government to consider expanding the application of the
proposed Greenfield Housing Code to cover a more diverse range of greenfield development
options, not restricted per say, by minimum lot sizes and or depths. A broadened application will
be more commensurate of the Code’s intent*ion to facilitate a greater uptake of complying
development.Noting our concerns, we appreciate the opportun*ity to provide comments which seek to enhance the
operation of a Greenfield Code, should that mechanism be pursued.We understand that it is proposed to amend the Codes SEPP and introduce a new Greenfield Housing
Code to fast track the supply of housing in greenfield areas by increasing the use of complying
development for new dwelling houses, in preference to obtaining development consent under local
planning controls or other instruments. The Background Paper identifies barriers to the uptake of
complying development and recommendations to facilitate faster housing approval, and the
Explanation of lntended Effect (ElE) report contains the proposed amendments and draft Greenfield
Housing Code.
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