Property Council provides final submission on Government s draft legislation

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Property Council provides final submission on Government’s draft legislation

The Property Council has provided a submission to the Queensland Parliament’s Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee investigation into the Government’s planning reform bills.

The Planning Bills are the culmination of three years of extensive stakeholder consultation, and represent a huge step towards the simplification of Queensland's planning system.In supporting the legislation, the Property Council’s submission provides a number of key recommendations to improve the reform package.

The submission calls on the Government to accompany the legislation with a five year implementation plan for local governments to ensure a smooth transition into the new planning framework. The Property Council has also used the submission as an opportunity to stress the importance of continuing the Government’s assessment trigger reduction program.

The Committee is concurrently considering the Government’s planning bills alongside the Opposition’s proposals, introduced as Private Member's Bills in June 2015. The Property Council has previously provided a submission in relation to the LNP’s Bill.

Results from the Committee’s investigation of the bills will be presented on 21 March.

While the Parliament considers the legislation, the Department is seeking industry feedback on several regulatory planning instruments that support the operation of the new system. The Property Council is preparing a submission to this process, which closes for public comment on 5 February.