Local Government Act 1995 Review Phase 2 Discussion Papers submission

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Submission on Local Government Act 1995 Review Phase 2 Discussion Papers

The Property Council is grateful for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Local Government Act 1995 Review Phase 2 Discussion Papers and congratulates the McGowan Labor Government on pursuing these welcome improvements to Western Australia's local government system.

We welcome the recent introduction to Parliament of the Local Government Legislation Amendment Bill 2019, which will deliver on many of the local government reforms considered to be a priority to the Property Council and its members. As expressed in our submission on phase one of the review, we particularly support mandatory training of councillors and any initiatives that will ensure greater transparency and accountability for the community and other stakeholders.

Many of our members have direct and indirect contact with local government through their business operations – the service provided by local government directly impacts on the ability of the property industry to deliver outcomes. The property industry is very supportive of the overall intent of the review, and of the phase two focus on ensuring local government is agile, smart and inclusive. 

Our submission provides our assessment of the positives and negatives of each potential phase two reform initiative outlined in the discussion papers. We outline those aspects we consider would add most value to the property industry, and would assist with the critical role the industry plays in creating prosperity, jobs and strong communities for current and future generations of Western Australians.

To view the submission please click on the link below.