Levelling Up WA’s Industrial Land Supply

Home Campaigns and Submissions Levelling Up WA’s Industrial Land Supply

Industrial land will play a crucial role in the diversification of Western Australia’s economy.

An ample supply of development-ready industrial land with adequate utility connections and infrastructure is also essential for the WA and Australian governments’ advanced manufacturing and decarbonisation agenda.

This paper identifies practical steps that can be taken to best utilise pre-existing industrial land, and secure a reliable pipeline to underpin WA’s future industries.

Levelling Up WA's Industrial Land Supply
Industrial land will play a crucial role in the diversification of Western Australia's economy.

An ample supply of development-ready industrial land with adequate utility connections and infrastructure is also essential for the WA and Australian governments' advanced manufacturing and decarbonisation agenda.

This paper identifies practical steps that can be taken to best utilise pre-existing industrial land, and secure a reliable pipeline to underpin WA's future industries.