Joint Industry Position on Infrastructure Planning in WA
The Property Council and the Urban Development Institute of WA have formed a united view on the importance of fast-tracking the formation of Infrastructure WA, and the opportunities for private sector input to the development of the underpinning legislation and participants on the new body. We would therefore welcome the opportunity to jointly meet with you to explain the views of our membership and to discuss the role and benefits of involving the private sector.
The property development industry in WA is very supportive of the State Labor Government's election commitment to reform the infrastructure provisioning system. This included commitments to:
- Publish a State Infrastructure Strategy, which will establish priorities for infrastructure planning and investment across Western Australia for the next 20 years.
- Establish Infrastructure WA, an independent advisory body of senior private and public-sector representatives reporting directly to the Premier on all major infrastructure projects.
- Subject all big infrastructure projects to a rigorous and transparent cost-benefit analysis.
- Establish the necessary mechanisms to allow unsolicited infrastructure proposals to be evaluated.
We believe that these initiatives are needed urgently to enable the property development sector to fully participate in broadening the State's economic base and creating new employment opportunities.