Finkel Review – Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market
The Property Council of Australia welcomes the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market and the opportunity to comment on the Preliminary Report prepared by the Expert Panel.
The potential of Australia’s built environment to advance solutions to the so-called energy trilemma – energy that is secure and reliable, accessible and affordable, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions – should not be underestimated. Australia’s buildings could meet over half the National Energy Productivity Target (NEPP) and a quarter of the national emissions target with the right policies and incentives in place.1
Energy efficiency and onsite generation in buildings plays a major role in limiting peak demand and reducing energy consumption. Implementation of an appropriate suite of policy measures could deliver much more in these areas: almost $20 billion in financial savings by 2030 as well as contributing to improved quality, reliability, and security of energy service delivery.
Download the submission below.