Federal Pre-Budget Submission 2017-18

Home Campaigns and Submissions Federal Pre-Budget Submission 2017-18

Federal Pre-Budget Submission 2017-18: Cities and urban productivity, housing affordability and harnessing global capital

The Property Council's 2017-18 Pre-Budget Submission sets out a road map to leveraging Australia's strengths to drive greater productivity and growth across three areas:

  • Cities and urban productivity – Australia's cities generate more than 80per cent of our gross domestic product. City Deals and long-term infrastrucutre planning and delivery are vital to maximising the potential of our cities to deliver even greater productivity, liveability and sustainability.

  • Housing affordability – Despite recent record levels of housing approvals and record low interest rates, many Australians still suffer from unacceptable levels of housing stress. We need policy frameworks to boost the supply of housing, unlock housing choices for seniors, and support innovative solutions for affordable rental housing.

  • Harnessing global capital – Australia depends on foreign investment as a means of generating jobs and prosperity and must put in place policy settings to support and drive global capital to Australia.

Download the submission below.