The Olympic and Paralympic Games is one of the world’s largest sporting events and if managed appropriately, the Brisbane
2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games have the potential to create an enduring
legacy for generations of Queenslanders.
The Property Council values the opportunity to contribute to this legacy through our response to the Elevate 2042
discussion paper.
Legacy has been a central theme in the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games journey since the concept was
first envisaged in March 2015 as a catalyst to deliver the infrastructure
required for the future of the region.
This decision to pursue a regional Olympic and Paralympic Games followed the adoption of the
International Olympic Committee’s Agenda 2020, which reformed the bidding and
hosting process to ensure the Games deliver a legacy for host communities.
The Property Council applauds the state government for recognising the importance of delivering an enduring
legacy from the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, including hosting
the Brisbane 2032 Legacy Forum in March and developing the Elevate 2042
discussion paper to guide the creation of this exciting legacy.