Draft Redland City Plan submissionThe Property Council has provided a submission to Redland City Council's draft planning scheme, outlining the need for greater flexibility to meet the expected residential and employment growth of the local government area.Over the extended planning horizon of 2041, Redland City Council will need to identify and zone a greater number of greenfield sites to accommodate this predicted growth.The submission highlighted these concerns and provided the following recommendations for Redland City Council to consider in their finalised planning scheme:Ensure the inclusion of potential growth areas identified by Council, within the 'emerging community' zoneIntroduction of lower levels of assessment for retirement facilities to accurately represent the low impact of these developmentsRemove duplication of assessment triggers between the tables of assessment and zoning designationsEnsure a greater amount of industry zoned land to enable future growth opportunitiesCreate a formal mechanism for challenging overlay mapping in order to reduce time and cost impositions for both applicants and CouncilEnsure a new Redland City Council infrastructure plan is developed to incorporate anticipated growth areasThe State Government's recent commitment to support Moreton Bay Regional Council in producing a more accurate and region-specific Erosion Prone Area study was noted in the submission. The Property Council has encouraged Redland City Council to pursue a similar commitment from the State Government to increase the precision of the Erosion Prone Area mapping and the Coastal Protection overlay.
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