Draft Planning and Development Legislation Western Trade Coast Protection Area Bill 2015

Home Campaigns and Submissions Draft Planning and Development Legislation Western Trade Coast Protection Area Bill 2015

Draft Planning and Development Legislation (Western Trade Coast Protection Area) Bill 2015

The Property Council of Australia welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft Planning and Development Legislation Amendment (Western Trade Coast Protection Area) Bill 2015.

As a general principle industrial buffers should be contained on site. However, with existing industries this is not always practical and off-site buffers are required while also recognising the legitimate rights and expectations of affected property owners. 

The Property Council is the representative body for major property owners in WA, including those with an interest in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors impacted by the Bill.  The Property Council has canvassed the views of those affected by the draft legislation.

There is broad recognition of the need for a buffer for the WTC Area to protect the interests of industry and surrounding landowners.  Serious concerns have been raised, however, about the infringement on the development rights and expectations of some existing property owners.