Draft Consultation Releases

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Draft Consultation Releases

The NT Planning Commission has recently released two Land Use Plans and an Area Plan for community feedback. If you have any comments or would like to have input into a submission that we will be preparing please do not hesitate to contact the Northern Territory office. All members are encouraged to have their say on how we shape our Territory.

Darwin’s Mid Suburbs Area Plans

The Planning Commission is working on area plans for the Darwin region, with consultations for area plans for Darwin's Inner Suburbs underway. Now the process is starting for developing area plans for Darwin's Mid Suburbs, including Ludmilla, Coconut Grove, Nightcliff, Rapid Creek and Millner. More information is available here.

The Litchfield Subregional Plan

The greater Darwin region is expected to almost double in population with an increase of 120,000 residents over the next 40 to years, including an additional 20,000 residents in the next five to 10 years. As the region grows, there will be a need for more housing, services and facilities. More information is available here

Alice Springs Land Use Plan

The Planning Commission is developing a regional land use plan for Alice Springs. This important strategic plan will establish a long term vision and framework for future development in the region. More information is available here