Draft Arden Vision Framework

Home Campaigns and Submissions Draft Arden Vision Framework

Draft Arden Vision & FrameworkThe Property Council has provided comment to the Victorian
Planning Authority on the Draft Vision & Framework for Arden. Building on
the City of Melbourne's 2012 Arden-Macaulay Structure Plan, the draft framework
begins the process of planning for the North Melbourne urban renewal precinct
in detail.Whilst we support the consultative process that Government
has adopted, our submission highlights the need to provide industry with
certainty around issues such as infrastructure costs and levies, investment
incentives and open space contributions. Similarly, direction is needed with
regard to structuring sustainable actions and the expectations for progressing the
vision of a sustainable and resilience precinct.Until these issues are detailed, it is very difficult for
industry to 'buy into' the Vision. As such, we have encouraged the Government
to clarify these issues, as well as the Vision's implementation strategy as a
priority.Click on the link below to download the submission.