Corporate Collective Investment Vehicles – Regulations

Home Campaigns and Submissions Corporate Collective Investment Vehicles – Regulations

The Property Council welcomes the opportunity to provide comments to Treasury on draft
versions of:

* the Corporations and Other Legislation Amendment (Corporate Collective Investment
Vehicle Framework) Regulations 2021 and associated Explanatory Statement (the draft
regulations); and

* the Corporations and other Legislation Amendment (Corporate Collective Investment
Vehicle Framework) Rules 2021 and associated Explanatory Statement (the draft rules).

The property industry supports the introduction of a Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle
(CCIV) framework and welcomes the Government’s commitment to enhancing flexibility and
choice for Australian fund managers through the introduction of a CCIV regime aligned with
the robust and successful Managed Investment Trust (MIT) and attribution MIT (AMIT)

We believe that the CCIV framework could be improved by amending the draft regulations to
address an outstanding issue that the Property Council raised in a prior submission made to
Treasury (dated 24 September 2021) on the exposure draft CCIV legislation


Corporate Collective Investment Vehicles - Regulations
21 January 2022