Consistent Local Planning Schemes Submission

Home Campaigns and Submissions Consistent Local Planning Schemes Submission

The Property Council supports the ambition of the state government to provide greater consistency across local planning schemes.

Consistency will improve certainty for the development community and help streamline the delivery of projects across Western Australia. 

While generally supportive of the findings of the Stakeholder Consultation Report, the Property Council notes that flexibility in land use and zone and reserve definitions is required to respond to differences in land use, operational requirements, and locality. 

Balancing greater consistency with the ability of definitions to be appropriately adaptive to planning requires regular review of the operation of definitions, and balance so that definitions are not so prescriptive such that they impede appropriate levels of flexibility. 

The Property Council recommends ongoing consultation with industry during the advancement of the reforms is essential to monitor any broader/unintended consequences associated with the implementation of a standardised system.

Consistent Local Planning Schemes Submission