A pro-cities, pro-investment agenda 2025 Federal election platform

Home Campaigns and Submissions A pro-cities, pro-investment agenda 2025 Federal election platform

A pro-cities, pro-investment agenda

Parliamentarians in the 47th parliament well understand the Property Council’s pro-cities vision.

We have a pro-investment purpose – to see the benefits of improving our great Australian cities widely shared by all Australians.

Industry partnership

The next Australian Government will navigate many challenges.

Global uncertainty, cost of living pressures, decarbonising our economy and supplying more homes top the list.

Success will only be possible if we embrace global capital and skilled workers. Engagement with the property industry will be essential.

Industry leadership

The property industry invests in the future of our cities and shapes and supports the lives of every Australian.

Homes, retirement villages, shopping centres, offices, industrial areas, education, research and health precincts, tourism and hospitality venues, and more.

Our industry has the largest direct economic footprint in the nation – producing $232.7 billion towards GDP, employing 1.4 million Australians and generating $178 billion in employee incomes.

Our members sustainably shape our cities, create our communities and build the homes that Australians need.

The industry’s leaders are Property Council members. The Property Council’s 2,500 member companies are the nation’s major investors, owners, managers and creators of properties and places that matter.

Thought leadership on investment and city planning

Australia needs to grow well to boost individual prosperity and provide enough funding for government programs as our population ages.

The next Federal Parliament must oversee a clear national productivity agenda and boost overseas investment to create the city assets we need as state governments turn from mega projects to budget repair.

Better planning for all types of city property assets, including industrial and commercial, and better, more affordable delivery of housing are immediate, low cost improvements in the national interest.

Our 2025 Federal election platform tackles the challenges on four fronts:

01 Housing for all – ensuring every Australian has the opportunity to own or rent a home

02 Competing hard for global investment – welcoming other peoples’ money to build the future of our great Australian cities

03 A productivity nation – attracting and growing a productive workforce to meet the surging demands of housing and other construction

04 Decarbonising cities cleverly – ensuring that Every Building Counts as we decarbonise our built environment.

Mike Zorbas
Chief Executive
Property Council of Australia

A pro-cities, pro-invesment agenda
2025 Federal Election Platform