Campaigns and Submissions


WA Draft Local Government Design Review Panel Manual Submission

The Property Council reaffirms its support for high quality development throughout WA and continues to advocate for greater consistency and standardisation in WA’s planning system.

Our feedback is intended to support Design Review Panels (DRPs) to achieve their intended function: that is, to enhance the design of developments in line with the State Planning Policy 7.0 (SPP7.0), without unduly adding to already protracted approvals timeframes.

Retirement Villages Regulations – Rules of Conduct and Budget Obligations Submission

The Property Council is broadly supportive of the proposed conduct rules for operators, but notes that several conduct rules are currently too broad. The Property Council requests some clarity regarding these rules.

The Property Council notes that as more obligations and requirements are placed on operators, the cost is fundamentally passed onto the residents. As such, the Property Council recommends limiting the inclusion of unnecessary impositions on operators.

Brisbane City Council –Inner-City Affordability Initiative

Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Council’s Inner-City Affordability Initiative. As Australia’s leading advocate for the property sector, the Property Council of Australia prides itself on working with all levels of government and our members to build places that matter. Here in Queensland, we are proud to have over 400 member companies from across the property industry, including residential, industrial, commercial, retail and social infrastructure.