Dr Elizabeth Lanyon, the Independent Chair of the Code Review Panel, has prepared the following recap of the recent RLC emergency management webinar.
It was great to have nearly 100 people join us for our July webinar on emergency management.
We had interesting presentations from John O’Callaghan from Acsess Health on Switch Star, a solution for prevention of overcharging lithium-ion batteries, and Stefan Geleta from Stryker on defibrillators.
We learned that there is one fire a day in the general community now from overheated batteries being charged, whereas it was one fire a week last year.
Switch Star is a great solution to safety by design, both in residences and in the community facility.
One important aspect of Stefan’s presentation was the advice that a defib senses the need of the patient for a shock and it triggers or withholds the charge so it is not left to the first aider to make that decision.
The machine steps them through all they need to do.
Jane Monk from Gannon Lifestyle Communities outlined the challenges and opportunities in installing defibs in villages.
Jane identified the need to train staff and factor upkeep into the maintenance schedule, while giving us all great confidence in implementing this life saving device.
Kim Teudt spoke about Bolton Clark’s successful response to the Townsville cyclone, in the face of a power outage of over three days, when long life batteries in residents’ devices were good for 40 hours.
Kim stressed the need to continually update business continuity plans and also forge a solid relationship with local emergency services.
She also stressed the ARVAS requirements for emergency planning and evacuation.
Thanks to our speakers for their wonderful contribution and to Deborah Macdonald and the team who ran the webinar so smoothly. They have since sent out the slides and answers to the Q&As.
View the full replay of the webinar here.
Our next webinar is planned for early November on a topic to be decided.
We would welcome any suggestions from you about what you would like to hear about.