Membership of the Retirement Living Council gives you access to shaping the policies and actions that will ensure the sector grows as our population ages. Working with members, the RLC establishes and drives our industry planning and policy agenda, contributing submission feedback on public policies and initiatives, as well as leading and participating in our committee structure, and investing in research and advocacy that promotes our interests and sharpens our message.
Our national, state and territory advocacy teams, together with the Property Council’s state Retirement Committees, leverage their network of government decisionmakers and considerable policy muscle to respond in a timely and authoritative way to the diverse mix of planning, regulation and legislation that frames our important industry.
RLC policies and industry improvement initiatives are focused on delivering better housing choice for older Australians, while lifting the public profile of the sector. In addition to political advocacy, for example, the RLC is at the forefront of driving industry improvement through the Code of Conduct for Retirement Living (the Code) and the Australian Retirement Village Accreditation Scheme (ARVAS).
We actively encourage prospective residents to consider Code compliant retirement communities, to ensure that the resident experience is everything they expect and desire – so it’s important that your community gives this serious consideration.
The Property Council also runs industry specific professional development courses online and in all states – ranging from networking and information-based events, and a two-day national retirement living conference, culminating in our industry’s signature annual awards program.
We know that the rapid increase in the senior population will only continue to impact the way the property industry develops and critically the role of retirement villages will only become more important as governments reset public policy to sustainably support the accommodation and care needs of older Australians.
Supported by our state advocacy teams and the Property Council state Retirement Committees we also strive to have our finger on the pulse of the diverse mix of state regulation and legislation that frames the industry. We are also at the forefront, driving industry improvement through the 8 Point Plan, the Code of Conduct for Retirement Living and the Australian Retirement Village Accreditation Scheme.
Membership of the Property Council and specifically the Retirement Living Council allows you to have an active voice in shaping the policies and actions we need to ensure the sector grows as our population ages. By establishing and guiding a policy agenda, and contributing submission feedback on Government policies and initiatives, leading and participating in committees, asking questions at events and investing in advocacy and research directly relevant to your interests.
In addition to advocacy, the Property Council runs industry specific professional development courses online and in all states; networking and forum events; as well as a two-day national conference. As a member, you receive a discounted rate on events, conferences and educational initiatives such as the village manager training and village accreditation.
Retirement Living Member Brochure ……………………..Need links for itÂ
Retirement Living Member Benefits………………………..Need links for itÂ