Home Property Australia Queensland Greens introduce Planning (Inclusionary Zoning Strategy) Amendment Bill

Queensland Greens introduce Planning (Inclusionary Zoning Strategy) Amendment Bill

  • April 28, 2023
  • by Property Australia
This push from the Greens would see 25 per cent of newly constructed dwellings delivered as public housing.

The Greens Member for South Brisbane, Amy MacMahon MP, introduced a Bill to Parliament mandating that all residential development projects completed on or after 1 July 2024 must provide at least 25 per cent of the dwellings constructed to the state of Queensland for the purpose of providing public housing.  

The Property Council has been at the coalface of finding solutions to the current housing crisis, and research shows that inclusionary zoning, while appealing, will actually increase the overall cost of delivering housing and will have flow-on impacts to sale and rental prices.  

Rather than legislating mandatory inclusionary zoning, a sustained focus on increasing supply is what is needed to address the housing crisis. Policies that add costs and create barriers to the delivery of housing are the last thing that Queensland needs right now.  

You can read the Bill here.