The state government has last week reaffirmed its commitment to implementing the National Construction Code (NCC) Modern Homes standards for new houses (class 1 buildings) and units in apartment buildings (class 2) from 1 October 2023.
The standards include:
- new residential energy efficiency requirements (7-star energy rating for building shell), and a new ‘whole-of-house’ assessment method to determine the energy budget of major fixtures and appliances and on-site renewable energy e.g. solar photovoltaic (PV).
- new access requirements, including a step-free access path, wider internal doorways and corridors, more space in bathrooms and toilets on ground (or entry) level, hobless and step free showers and provisions for future adaptations (grabrails in bathrooms and toilets).
The state government’s decision to proceed with the amendments follows a great deal of advocacy from the Property Council, including meeting with government earlier this week to again request transitional provisions and exemptions to support members in preparing for the implementation of the new requirements.
As a result of this advocacy, the following exemptions and transitional provisions are proposed to be introduced:
- an 18 month exemption for narrow lots (12.5m or less in width),
- exemptions for cosmetic renovations including:
- larger toilets or wider doorways in bathrooms and toilets, except where the renovation involves demolition of the existing doorway or walls,
- installing reinforcement for handrails unless the wall framing is exposed during the renovations.
Feedback can be provided on the proposed changes to the Queensland Development Code changes by 25 July. Further detail and resources are available:
- Queensland Development Code – Mandatory Part 4.1 – Sustainable buildingsÂ
- Queensland Development Coed – Mandatory Part 4.5 – Livable dwellings and grading to floor wastes
To help members understand what the National Construction Code changes mean for them, the Property Council invites you to our special event >> National Construction Code – How does it affect you?