Home Property Australia Have your say: Planning Framework Changes

Have your say: Planning Framework Changes

  • April 13, 2023
  • by Property Australia

The Queensland Government is seeking feedback on a range of changes proposed to the Planning Act 2016.

The changes seek to improve the planning act in the following three areas.

Operational requirements – A range of changes to the Planning Act and other legislation are proposed to provide for increased operational efficiency and clarity of legislation.

Development Control Plans – In response to a judgement of the Planning and Environment Court, changes are now required to ensure the modernised assessment system created under the Planning Act applies to development in DCP areas. Further, the government believe  there is an opportunity to improve the assessment and referral of development applications in DCP areas.

Urban Encroachment – The changes proposed are aimed at reducing regulatory burden and increasing business certainty once and initial Urban Encroachment registration application has been assessed and granted.

For more details and to have your say on the proposed changes, please click here. Feedback closes on 5 May 2023.

The Property Council is currently working with members to provide a written response to the proposed changes.