Home Property Australia Government Declares New Woolloongabba PDA

Government Declares New Woolloongabba PDA

  • September 29, 2023
  • by Property Australia

Last Saturday the Queensland Government announced the new 106-hectare expanded Woolloongabba Priority Development Area.

The expanded PDA will include larger parts of Woolloongabba, Kangaroo Point, East Brisbane, South Bank, and the Stanley Street Precinct.

Under the new PDA Woolloongabba will connect to South Bank and the CBD through a walkable, active travel corridor, making use of Brisbane City Council’s new green bridge.

Housing and open space are being prioritised in the new PDA with half of the Cross River Rail and Stadium precincts being committed to open space, while 20% of the entire PDA is to consist of affordable and social housing.

The Woolloongabba PDA Development Scheme will be rolled out to the public in April 2024, following which there will be at least 30 days for the public to make submissions on the scheme. The development scheme is expected to be finalised in September 2024.

If you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Queensland Advocacy Team via [email protected] or 07 3225 3005.