The Property Council welcomed over 180 attendees to our Retail Breakfast – The Future of Shopping at the Sofitel Hotel.
The lineup included Toby Innes – Head of Retail and E-Commerce at Brisbane Airport who presented the keynote address sketching out the growing role of technology across BAC’s property portfolio. He reinforced that Technolgy should not just be implemented for technology’s sake but needed to be fit for purpose to be successful.
Following this Toby joined a panel discussion with Toby Cumpstay – Senior Merchant Success Manager – Shopify, Katrina Warren – Regional Manager – Vicinity Centres, and Karyn O’Brien – Owner of Setting up Shop. The conversation was expertly moderated by Salvatore Guardala – CEO – Lancini Property Group.
The discussion delved into each speaker’s own technological innovations within their own businesses and highlighted that being ahead of the curve in integrating physical and online retailing would be crucial in enhancing retailer’s competitive advantage in the future.
Special thanks to Mainbrace the Series Sponsor and Hames Sharley the Support sponsor for making this event possible.