Home Property Australia Western Sydney International Airport business park construction commences

Western Sydney International Airport business park construction commences

  • April 23, 2024
  • by Property Australia
Surrounding landowners in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis do not enjoy the same level of infrastructure certainty.

Western Sydney International Airport has started construction of their new on-site business park. Stage one of the business precinct is approximately 20 hectares and will include up to 40,000 square metres of modern warehouse space, ancillary offices, a 154-room hotel, conference centre, gym, and retail, food and beverage outlets.

While the airport has the road network required to enable development of their business park, surrounding landowners in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis that rely on sub-arterial roads do not enjoy the same level of infrastructure certainty. ‘Jobs need roads’ — our submission to the NSW Parliament — outlines how the industry can turn this situation around and get the aerotropolis back on track.