Home Property Australia Green space for Brisbane’s Greenbank

Green space for Brisbane’s Greenbank

  • February 12, 2019

Mirvac has opened a $5.1 million, 1.5-hectare recreation parkland to the public as part of its Everleigh masterplanned community in Queensland’s Greenbank.

The parkland is the first stage of more than 120 hectares – over 25 per cent of the total site – which will be dedicated as public open space as part of the residential community.

The new park space – equal to the size of three football fields – features an events space and junior playground. An additional 8,000 sqm of linear park provides a strong pedestrian and cycle link along a ‘green spine’ between the new recreation parkland and the Greenbank Shopping Centre.

The delivery of the $5.1 million public parkland is also just a small part of the forecast $130 million Mirvac will contribute to community infrastructure networks, including public open space, road and transport infrastructure, and water and sewer infrastructure.

350x350 Project 2 According to Warwick Bible, Mirvac’s Queensland residential general manager, the event space is a “central meeting point” for the wider community. Mirvac has “plans underway for a regular calendar of social gatherings, along with larger-scale community events”, Bible says.

Matt Franzmann, managing director of Form Landscape Architects, which designed the new park, says the first stage creates a “unique identity” for the new Everleigh community, with a playground for young children, barbecue facilities, picnic shelters and a rocky creek bed.

“As the project continues to roll-out we will be building on these recreational opportunities, with the next stage of parkland to include a playground designed specifically for older children to complement the amenity delivered in this first phase,” Franzmann says.

“Ultimately, the green spaces will all link together with over 13 kilometres of walking trails and bike tracks.”

More than 60 per cent of Everleigh’s stage one development has been sold and construction on the first homes will commence shortly.

Everleigh will ultimately feature about 3,300 homes, along with conservation parkland, sports fields and recreation parks, and a suite of community facilities, including a state primary school, neighbourhood retail centre and community health centre.