Home Property Australia Chief Executive | Celebrating our industry’s best and making it better

Chief Executive | Celebrating our industry’s best and making it better

  • March 22, 2023
  • by Mike Zorbas

The commitment, innovation and care demonstrated by our members in their communities is second to none.

Over the past 50 days, I have had the privilege to travel to every state and territory to see this up close.

The Retirement Living Council’s Regional ‘Programmed Village Manager of the Year’ and ‘Salesperson of the Year’ are a great example.

The nominees and winners are invariably the leaders of thriving communities, allowing senior Australians a fulfilling retirement. I look forward to seeing the ultimate winners crowned at the National Retirement Living Summit on the Gold Coast this June.

Your organisation, your feedback 

Earlier this week you would have received an email from me asking for nine minutes of your time to fill out our member survey.

The survey aids us in understanding your requirements, improving our performance, and delivering better services to you.

We are your strong voice and to support that we listen carefully to your needs and your views.
When you complete the survey, you enter the draw to win a ‘golden ticket’ giving you free access to as many of our events as you would like to attend before 1 July 2024.  The survey closes on March 31.