There’s a story about two campers in the woods who see a bear heading towards them.
One of them quickly grabs his running boots and starts putting them on which prompts his friend to say “you can’t outrun a bear”.
To which he replies, “I don’t have to outrun a bear, I just have to outrun you.”
Every business in our industry has to compete for staff – we compete between ourselves and with other industries.
When we get the best staff, we give our business the best shot at long term success. Our success at recruitment and retention is a vital indicator of how well our business will perform.
Our industry is in red hot competition with other sectors and each other to attract the best people. Growing the talent pool is more important now than ever.
This week, the Property Council and EY released Grow the talent pool – insights on gender representation in property which took the pulse of 3,800 employees and identified the drivers of recruitment, retention and promotion.
It shines a spotlight into women’s pathways into and through the industry, and provides unique insights into how to grow the talent pool in your business. Interestingly, our female leaders are far more likely to come from outside the industry – a fact that begs the question of how businesses can best develop women through their organisations, but also an insight that many of those with external experience bring a diversity of transferable skills with them.
The interviews of seven respected female property leaders provide us with insight about our industry and the quest for talent.
This report was only made possible because 3,800 people across the industry participated. I believe the report gives voice to their experiences, their frustrations and most importantly, their hopes and aspirations.