The Property Council has congratulated premier-elect Daniel Andrews on leading Labor back to government after just one term, and thanked the Napthine government for their service to Victoria.
So what can we expect from the new government?
On the positive side, Andrews has promised no new or increased taxes. For an industry that already contributes 24 cents out of every state tax dollar, this is an important commitment and one which we expect to be honoured.
However his commitment to tear up the contract for the east west link will create a hole in the state’s infrastructure pipeline, leave congestion unchecked and damage Victoria’s investment credentials. We have urged him to think again.
At a recent Property Council lunch Daniel Andrews told members he was struck by the economic resurgence in NSW and vowed to lift Victoria’s game if elected.
It’s a positive ambition shared by the industry. And it’s precisely the outcome the Property Council’s reform agenda is designed to achieve. We look forward to championing these ideas to the new government.