There was a time when ‘the building’ was at the centre of the property industry.
We built homes and office blocks and our thinking did not extend past how to sell them to buyers or lease them to tenants.
Increasingly, it’s people who are at the centre of what we do.
Beauty, functionality, community, liveability and environment are all part of what our industry seeks to achieve.
Our industry is a problem solving industry. We are demonstrating that we can save energy and cut emissions; reduce commutes by bringing work and home closer together; encourage healthier lives and achieve all of this in a way that is affordable.
Having seen the submissions for the annual Property Council of Australia/Rider Levett Bucknall Innovation and Excellence Awards, I know we are an industry that is at the forefront of innovation as well as productivity.
We are world leaders on so many fronts, but there is still so much progress that can be made. A major new report commissioned by the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (an alliance which includes the Property Council) demonstrates the progress we have made in reducing emissions from the built environment – and how much we can still do. The built environment can potentially meet 28 per cent of Australia’s 2030 emission reduction target.
This industry stands ready to work with Government to deliver this. We aren’t kicking and screaming and denying that climate change exists (after all it’s May, and still warm throughout most of Australia!). Our message to both sides of politics is there is a willing partner ready to work with them to deliver real and measurable results.
Australia’s property and construction industry is a big, vibrant part of our national economy – and our job is to ensure it fulfils its potential in helping our country meet its economic, social and environmental challenges.