Home Property Australia ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS


  • September 04, 2017


Australia has a great story to tell when it comes to property.

Our industry is one of the best performing and most competitive industries in Australia – our buildings are more sustainable, our designs more innovative and we are exporting our expertise around the world.

However, we remember Isaac Newton’s maxim: If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Each year, we induct new members into the Australian Property Hall of Fame.

The inductees are individuals who are the giants of our industry and have made a lasting contribution to the industry and our country.

This year the Board has chosen the late Sir Keith Campbell, Bob Hamilton and Carol Schwartz AM as the 2016 Inductees.

Sir Keith Campbell is remembered for the ground-breaking Campbell Inquiry into the financial markets in 1981 and for helping turn L J Hooker into a major property conglomerate. His successful advocacy for floating the dollar, allowing the entry of foreign banks and deregulating financial markets transformed the Australian economy and the property industry.

Bob Hamilton was the joint founder and managing director of Mirvac Group for more than 30 years. In that time, Bob grew his development company into one of the largest and most respected property groups in Australia. Under Bob’s leadership, Mirvac developed more than 30,000 homes, including the Olympic Village and Walsh Bay in Sydney and Beacon Cove in Melbourne.

Carol Schwartz AM was National President of the Property Council in 1998-1999 and has spent more than two decades driving change to enhance women’s participation and leadership opportunities in our industry. Carol holds one of the country’s most diverse portfolios of board appointments, including directorships with Stockland, real estate investment management group Qualitas, private equity firm Yarra Capital Partners and the Bank of Melbourne. 

The induction ceremony will be held during the Property Leaders Dinner in May at Parliament House. A tribute to the inductees will be made in a future issue of Property Australia.