• September 04, 2017


This Saturday, 16 million Australians will cast their vote.

If your polling booth is like mine, it will be pretty carefree with a sausage sizzle, friendly catch-ups with neighbours and an informality that reminds you that Australia is a great place to live.

Elsewhere in the world we are witnessing disruption – with the rise of Donald Trump in the US and last week’s Brexit decision in the UK. They serve as a reminder that voting is a heavy responsibility and that our political system needs to deliver prosperity and fairness to our country.

At the start of the campaign, we approached all the major parties asking them for their positions on the issues facing our industry. You can read the responses we have received from the major parties here.

Please read them so that you can make an informed decision this Saturday – these responses are unfiltered, with no commentary from us.

Our industry does not endorse parties, but we have a duty to keep you informed about the issues facing our industry.

I am proud that we have strong relationships with both sides of politics. We work together where we can and respectfully differ when we don’t agree.

This industry delivers prosperity, jobs and strong communities to Australia. No matter who wins on Saturday, we will continue to champion these outcomes over the next term of Parliament.