This week we asked some of our CEOs for their advice on building sand castles.
Some of the advice wasn’t that constructive, because it’s simply not practical to take concrete to the beach! (I don’t think it is allowed either).
Sand castles don’t last (nor are they meant to), but what our industry does every day does last and it truly matters.
Every day the Property Council puts the case for an industry that contributes one ninth of Australia’s GDP, employs 1.1 million Australians and shapes our towns and cities like no other.
The key ingredient of our success is you.
Members are at the heart of everything we do.
You participate, contribute and volunteer, meaning that our efforts truly reflect the collective and considered view of our industry.
Over 2016 the Property Council has delivered literally hundreds of submissions on local, state and national issues. As well, we have led debates about infrastructure, planning, housing affordability, sustainability, diversity and digital disruption.
Our advocacy has led to real results.
- Nationally we have locked in existing negative gearing and Capital Gains Tax arrangements, shaped new Managed Investment Trust legislation, created a federal model to incentivise housing supply now being considered by COAG, and released a new evidence-based policy roadmap for emissions reduction with broad sectoral support.
- In NSW we have achieved a 20 year objective of council amalgamations, seen the Greater Sydney Commission established, new district plans rolled out, and set the platform for regeneration of inner city Newcastle.
- In Victoria we carved out the most harmful impacts of foreign investment taxes (for a second time), influenced the revamp of CBD planning controls and secured big wins in new apartment standards (unveiled on the weekend).
- In Queensland we have achieved planning reform, shaped the South East Queensland regional plan, led the infrastructure debate and landed a City Deal for Townsville.
- In WA we have set the base for the March state election, warded off the attacks on Development Assessment Panels and set the agenda on density, local government reform and infrastructure.
- In SA we secured a more modern planning system in the first major overhaul of the Act for 25 years, among many other wins.
- In the ACT we continue to champion urban renewal with the City to the Lake project, CBD revitalisation and the light rail corridor.
- In Tasmania we secured a single planning framework across all councils, secured UTAS as a revitalisation anchor for Launceston and positioned water utility reform on the agenda.
- In the Northern Territory we used the election to put CBD revitalisation firmly on the agenda of the new government in a way it’s never been before.
Property Council events continue to deliver deep value to members, from the Property Congress to local site visits. This year we held 366 events – with a grand total of 54,475 attendees. In December alone, more than 6,500 people sat down for Christmas lunch with the Property Council.
This year, the industry’s leadership around diversity stepped up to another level. Two standout achievements were the 240 people who participated in the 100 Women in Property sponsorship program and the fact that more than 40 per cent of nominations for Property Council committees were women.
We inducted three new legends into the Australian Property Hall of Fame: Bob Hamilton, Sir Keith Campbell and Carol Schwartz AM (last week appointed to the RBA Board).
Plus we celebrated 20 years as the Property Council of Australia (even though we were established in 1969), and announced a round of national and division honorary life members.
It has been an eventful and productive year. Thank you to the Property Council Board and our Division Councils, to all our 1,400 committee members, to our loyal sponsors and for the contributions of all of our members. Your support and commitment is invaluable.
I hope you have a safe and festive holiday break. I look forward to working with you through 2017 and beyond.