What is Hunter City?
It’s the second largest city in NSW, the seventh largest city in the nation and the urban gateway to Australia’s largest regional economy.
It has nine strategic centres, two global transport gateways and will have an economic output of $65 billion within 20 years.
It’s an area extending from Toronto and Swansea in the south, to Raymond Terrace in the north, and from Newcastle Harbour in the east, to Lochinvar in the west.
It seems long overdue then, that the NSW Government should apply a metropolitan approach to land use planning and infrastructure provision for Hunter City – one that transcends old political boundaries.
That’s why the Property Council has welcomed the release of the Draft Plan for Growing Hunter City as a companion to the Draft Hunter Regional Plan. Both are currently on exhibition with submissions closing at 5:00pm on 24 March 2016.
NSW Regional Director – Hunter, Andrew Fletcher, is coordinating the industry response and has convened the Hunter Growth & Infrastructure Taskforce to guide the submission’s development.
The Taskforce has been resourced to commission independent research and consult widely with key stakeholders in formulating a suite of strategic recommendations for the NSW Planning Minister.
To get a taste of what the Taskforce is proposing and to hear the perspective of the Hunter’s newly appointed chief planner, Monica Gibson, don’t miss this month’s Hunter Lunch on Friday 11 March 2016 at Newcastle City Hall.
To register, click here.