Home Property Australia Town Team Conference 2019

Town Team Conference 2019

  • August 28, 2019

Town Team Conference 2019

The Town Team Conference brings new ideas and energy to sectors including property development, local government, state government, universities, urban professionals and community members. The theme this year is Discovering Place.

The international keynote speaker is Gabriella Gomez-Mont from Mexico City. Gabriella founded Laboratorio para la Ciudad (2013 – 2018), the award-winning experimental arm of the Mexico City government. Now she directs The Urban Task Force: a new type of nomadic and creative office specialized in cities. She is an MIT Director´s Fellow, a Yale World Fellow, a TED Senior Fellow, a GeorgeTown University Visiting Fellow, an Institute for the Future Fellow, a Salzburg Seminar Fellow, a Fabrica Alumni and a World Cities Summit Young Leader.

Breakout sessions will include topics as diverse as: Perth Aspiring to be a Capital of Culture, activating ground floor tenancies, local government innovations, better community engagement and storytelling and place. Tickets cost $4 ex GST including networkign drinks. More information and tickets are available at https://www.townteams.com.au/conference-2019/