Home Property Australia Response to the Housing Choices Discussion Paper

Response to the Housing Choices Discussion Paper

  • April 12, 2018

Housing Choices Submission

The ACT Division of the Property Council of Australia has been actively engaged with the government on what planning changes are needed to create the right conditions for development which increases density, provides greater housing choice, and delivers better community outcomes in our new and established suburbs. 

The Property Council of Australia believes creation of a city that achieves all these things is possible through the first review of residential zoning in the ACT since 2003, and there is no better time to truly align planning and policy priorities of the government to ensure the private sector is best able to deliver it.  With the help of our dedicated members active through our Committees, we recently submitted our response to the governments Housing Choices Discussion Paper.  

Key themes of our submission included: 

  • What are the opportunities presented by the first review of residential zoning since 2003? 
  • What is the demand for housing choice in the market?
  • What are the barriers to diversity, affordability and density where we need it?
  • What planning changes are necessary to allow the market to deliver what is needed by the Canberra community (and enable development)?
  • Why more medium density can deliver for a growing population and revitalise and our local centres and meet desire for housing choice for all age groups. The ability of the retirement living sector to meet the demands of an ageing population and provide opportunity for ageing in place as well as health and wellbeing benefits.
  • How the property sector can help deliver demonstration housing projects / precincts – with examples of the types of developments needed – and current constraints.
  • What incentives are needed to enable development? You can find a copy on our submission here.

You can find a copy our submission here.